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Pre Shave + Conditioning Beard Oil

Pre Shave + Conditioning Beard Oil

يستخدم كمنعم قبل وبعد الحلاقة غني بالفيتامين "E"، يحضر البشرة لحلاقة إنسيابية عن طريق تنعيم الجلد ومنع تهيجه خلال الحلاقة وبعدها غني بالزيوت الطبيعية لتقوية بوصيلات شعر اللحية يمكن استخدامه قبل الحلاقة وبعد الحلاقة لتصفيف اللحية

This pre-shave oil is a mixture of essential oils including rosemary, olive oil, calendula, and tea tree oil. It prepares your skin for grooming your beard or a flawless shave. Apply a small amount to your hand and rub it on the beard for a beautiful appearance. It soothes the skin.

All skin types 

Apply for as pre-shave rub a small amount follow by Anthony shave cream or gel

For beard grooming apply a small amount and rub it on beard and skin 

Regular price 20.000 KWD
Regular price Sale price 20.000 KWD
Sale Sold out


Rosemary and basil oil — nourishes and softens hair.
Calendula — hydrates dry and flaky skin.
Olive oil — helps
Tea tree oil — acts as an inflammatory.
2 fl. oz.

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